Thank You!
From Pee Dee Hearing Center
Thank You!
Thank you for your inquiry! Someone from our office will be in touch within one business day.
In the meantime, we invite you to follow us on Facebook in order to keep up to date with us.
What to Expect at Your First Appointment
When you visit our hearing center for your first appointment, you will always be treated with kindness and respect. We will have you fill out some paperwork that one of our hearing specialists will go over with you. Your appointment will be broken into a few parts.

1. Conversation:
We will have a conversation to get to know you better and ask you some questions about your current hearing ability and what your goals are.

2. Ear Exam:
We will perform a physical examination of your outer and middle ear using an otoscope.

3. Hearing Test:
The hearing test is easy, quick, and painless. The purpose is to assess how well you can hear various sounds at different frequencies.

4. Results:
We will go over your results which are recorded on an audiogram. If you have any questions, we are happy to answer them.

5. Recommendations:
We will go over your results which are recorded on an audiogram. If you have any questions, we are happy to answer them.